Çelim Yıldızhan, Research & Ideas
My name is Çelim Yıldızhan. I earned my PhD in finance at the University of Michigan in 2011 and my thesis focused on better understanding the pricing of default risk in equity markets. Since then I have broadened my interests to study supplier-customer links, impact of organizational complexity on pricing, household finance, managerial entrenchment and relative performance evaluation. I served as an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia from 2011 to 2019. I joined Koç University in İstanbul, Turkey starting December 2019 as an Assistant Professor of Accounting and Finance.
Published and Forthcoming Papers (Most recent first)
“Do Individual Investors Ignore Transaction Costs?” January 2024, Forthcoming at the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (with Xue Snow Han and Deniz Anginer), Online Appendix for the JFQA paper
“Firm Complexity and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift,” Review of Accounting Studies, September 2022 (with Alexander Barinov and Shawn Saeyeul Park)
“Is there a Distress Risk Anomaly? Pricing of Systematic Default Risk in the Cross Section of Equity Returns,” Review of Finance: March 2018, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp. 633–660 (with Deniz Angıner)
“Customer-base concentration, profitability and the relationship life cycle,” The Accounting Review: May 2016, Vol. 91, No. 3, pp. 883-906 (with Paul Irvine and Shawn Saeyeul Park)
Working Papers (Most recent first)
“Relative Performance Evaluation and Financial Reporting Quality” (with Deniz Anginer, Paul Irvine and Jinjing Liu), Revise and Resubmit at the
Journal of Accounting Research
“Trade Transparency and Management Earnings Forecasts“ (with Deniz Anginer and Xue Snow Han), prepared for submission
It's personal, not strictly business: The role of personal relationships in the supply chain (with Deniz Anginer, Paul Ivine and Ray Zhang), under review
SSRN [Celim Yildizhan @ SSRN ])
Google Scholar [Celim Yildizhan @ Google Scholar ])